Chapter 2 Function Reference — RTSI_Clock
National Instruments Corporation 2-287 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
status = RTSI_Clock (deviceNumber, connect, dir)
Connects or disconnects the system clock from the RTSI bus if the device can be programmed
to do so. You can connect or disconnect the other device system clock signals to and from the
RTSI bus using jumper settings.
Parameter Discussion
connect indicates whether to connect or disconnect the system clock from the RTSI bus.
0: Disconnect.
1: Connect.
dir indicates the direction of the connection. If connect is 0, dir is meaningless.
0: Receive clock signal from the RTSI bus trigger line.
1: Transmit clock signal to the RTSI bus trigger line.
Using This Function
RTSI_Clock can connect the onboard system clock of an AT-MIO-16X, AT-MIO-64F-5,
AT-AO-6/10, or a DIO 6533 (DIO-32HS) to the RTSI bus. Calling
RTSI_Clock with
connect equal to 1 and dir equal to 1 configures the specified deviceNumber to transmit its
system clock signal onto the RTSI bus. You do not need to specify a RTSI bus trigger line
because NI-DAQ uses a dedicated line. Calling
RTSI_Clock with connect equal to 1 and dir
equal to 0 configures the specified deviceNumber to use the signal on the RTSI bus dedicated
clock pin as this device system clock. In this way, the two devices are controlled by a single
system clock.
RTSI_Clock with connect equal to 0 disconnects the clock signal from the RTSI bus.
RTSI_Clear also disconnects the clock signal from the RTSI bus.
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
connect i16 connect or disconnect the system clock
dir i16 direction of the connection