Chapter 2 Function Reference — AI_Configure
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-6
National Instruments Corporation
status = AI_Configure (deviceNumber, chan, inputMode, inputRange, polarity, driveAIS)
Informs NI-DAQ of the input mode (single-ended or differential), input range, and input
polarity selected for the device. Use this function if you have changed the jumpers affecting
the analog input configuration from their factory settings. For devices that have no jumpers
for analog input configuration, this function programs the device for the settings you want.
Parameter Discussion
chan is the analog input channel to be configured. Except for the E Series devices,
the AT-MIO-64F-5, and the AT-MIO-16X, you must set chan to –1 because the same analog
input configuration applies to all of the channels. For the E Series devices, AT-MIO-64F-5,
and AT-MIO-16X, chan specifies the channel to be configured. If you want all of the channels
to be configured identically, set chan to –1.
Range: See Table B-1 in Appendix B, Analog Input Channel, Gain Settings, and
Voltage Calculation.
inputMode indicates whether the analog input channels are configured for single-ended or
differential operation:
0: Differential (DIFF) configuration (default).
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
chan i16 channel to be configured
inputMode i16 indicates whether channels are configured for
single-ended or differential operation
inputRange i16 voltage range of the analog input channels
polarity i16 indicates whether the ADC is configured for
unipolar or bipolar operation
driveAIS i16 indicates whether to drive AISENSE to onboard