Appendix A Status Codes
National Instruments Corporation A-9 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
–10345 chassisMemAllocError The required amount of memory cannot
be allocated on the remote SCXI unit for
the specified operation.
–10346 badPacketError The packet received by the remote SCXI
unit is invalid. Check your serial port
cable connections.
–10347 chassisCommunicationError There was an error in sending a packet
to the remote chassis. Check your serial
port cable connections.
–10348 waitingForReprogError The remote SCXI unit is in
reprogramming mode and is waiting for
reprogramming commands from the
host (NI-DAQ Configuration Utility).
–10349 SCXIModuleTypeConflictError The module ID read from the SCXI
module conflicts with the configured
module type.
–10360 DSPInitError The DSP driver was unable to load the
kernel for its operating system.
–10370 badScanListError The scan list is invalid; for example, you
are mixing AMUX-64T channels and
onboard channels, scanning SCXI
channels out of order, or have specified
a different starting channel for the same
SCXI module. Also, the driver attempts
to achieve complicated gain
distributions over SCXI channels on the
same module by manipulating the scan
list and returns this error if it fails.
–10400 userOwnedRsrcError The specified resource is owned by the
user and cannot be accessed or modified
by the driver.
–10401 unknownDeviceError The specified device is not a National
Instruments product, or the driver does
not support the device (for example, the
driver was released before the device
was supported).
Table A-1.
Status Code Summary (Continued)
Status Code Status Name Description