08 Car care
To achieve best results Volvo recommends
cleaning and application of the protective
cream two to four times per year.
Ask your Volvo dealer about Volvo’s Leather
Care product
Washing instructions for leather
– Pour the leather cleaner on the dampened
sponge and squeeze out a strong foam.
– Work the dirt away with gentle circular
– Dab the sponge accurately on the stains.
Allow the sponge to absorb the stain. Do
not rub.
– Wipe off with soft paper or a cloth and
allow the leather to dry completely.
Protective treatment of leather uphol-
– Pour a small amount of the protective
cream on the felted cloth and massage in
a thin layer of cream with gentle circular
movements on the leather.
– Now allow the leather to dry for
20 minutes before use.
– The leather has now been given improved
protection against stains and a UV filter.
Treating stains on interior plastic parts
and surfaces
A special cleaning agent, available from Vol-
vo dealers, is recommended for cleaning in-
terior plastic parts and surfaces. Do not
scrape or rub stains. Never use strong stain
Cleaning seatbelts
Use water and a synthetic detergent. A spe-
cial textile cleaning agent is available from
your Volvo dealer. Make sure the seatbelt is
dry before allowing it to retract.
Note that materials with colour that runs
when dry (new jeans, suede garments etc.)
may discolour the upholstery material.