05 Locks and alarm
Locking and unlocking
When deadlocked, the doors cannot be
opened from the inside if they are locked.
This is activated with the remote control. The
deadlocks are set after a 25 second delay af-
ter the doors are locked.
The car can only be unlocked from the dead-
lock mode with the remote control. The
doors can also be opened from the outside
with the key.
1. Deactivation of the detectors and dead-
2. No function
Temporary deactivation of the
deadlocks and any alarm detectors
If someone is going to stay in the car but you
still want to lock the doors from the outside,
the deadlocks can be disabled.
– Insert the key into the ignition switch, turn
it to position II and then back to position
I or 0.
– Press the button (1).
If the car is equipped with an alarm, the
movement and tilt detectors are also deacti-
vated at the same time, see page 104.
The light in the button illuminates until the car
is locked with the key or the remote control.
A message remains on the display as long as
the key remains in the ignition switch. The
detectors are reactivated and deadlocks re-
engaged the next time the ignition is
switched on.
Do not allow anyone to remain in the car
without first deactivating the deadlocks.