GPSMAP 4000 Series Owner’s Manual 45
uSInG radar
Guard Zone—denes a safe zone around your boat. An alarm will sound when a detected object
enters this zone. Select On or Off. If the guard zone is on, you can dene the boundaries by
selecting Adjust Guard Zone:
Corner 1 (and Corner 2): Use the ROCKER as indicated by the arrows ( and ) to
dene the size of the guard zone. Select Corner 1 or Corner 2 to change the reference point.
Circular: Joins the guard zone to completely encompass the boat. Use Corner 1 or Corner 2
to adjust the size.
Corner 1 Corner 2 Circular
Overlay Numbers—show or hide cruising, navigation, or shing numbers just as on the navigation
chart (page 8).
Radar Setup—advanced radar settings. See page 48.
Targeting on the cruising screen
Use the ROCKER while viewing the cruising screen to begin targeting. A green ring and a
green line appear to help you judge the distance and bearing of targeted objects. The green ring
corresponds with the range rings to help dene an object’s distance from your position, and the
green line corresponds with the heading line to help dene an object’s bearing from your position.
As you move the ROCKER, you adjust the point where the the green ring and green line intersect.
This point indicates your target. As you move the target over objects on the radar, target options
appear along the right side of the screen.
Cruising Screen - Targeting
Heading line
Target options
To stop targeting, select Stop Pointing on the bottom right side of the screen, otherwise select an