To send a note by beaming:
1. In the task list, tap and hold the note.
2. Tap
BBeeaamm FFiillee
on the pop-up menu.
3. Align the IR port of your device with that of the
other IR-enabled device so that they are unobstructed
and within a close range.
o send a note by email:
1. In the task list, tap and hold the note.
2. Tap
SSeenndd vviiaa EE--mmaaiill
on the pop-up menu.
A new message window in Inbox will be displayed with
the selected note shown as an attachment (*.pwi).
3. Proceed to completing the email message.
1. Tap
2. Create the note by writing, drawing, typing, or
For more information about using the input panel,
writing and drawing on the screen, and creating a
recording, go to Chapter 4 on page 69.
You can send a note to another person either by email or
by beaming it to that person’s IR-enabled device.
Tap to show or hide
the input panel.
Tap to return to the note list (the
note is saved automatically).
Tap to write on the screen.
Tap to add a recording to the note.
NNOOTTEE:: YYoouu mmuusstt ffiirrsstt sseett uupp aann eemmaaiill aaccccoouunntt oonn yyoouurr ddeevviiccee
bbeeffoorree yyoouu ccaann sseenndd aa nnoottee bbyy eemmaaiill.. GGoo ttoo ppaaggee 116633 ffoorr
iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss oonn sseettttiinngg uupp aann eemmaaiill aaccccoouunntt..