AT&T PPC4100 GPS Receiver User Manual

To open
Windows Media Player 9 Series for Pocket PC:
Tap , then
WWiinnddoowwss MMeeddiiaa
The Player displays the last open window from your
previous session.
A playlist is a customized list of digital media files that
you want to watch or listen to. Using a playlist lets your
group various digital media files together and specify the
order you want the files to play in. You can also use
playlists to copy files to your computer.
You can create a playlist based on:
Source - For example, tracks from various CDs of your
favorite artist or streaming media from an online music
Personal preferences - For example, a playlist of
tracks belonging to your favored music genre or video
clips from your funny movie collection.
Mood or activities - For example, a playlist of tracks
you want to listen while travelling or during your R&R
The Player has two default playlists:
Local Content - Consists of all compatible audio and
video files stored on your device and/or storage card.
Web Favorites - Consists of your favorite streaming
media files. This playlist is empty until you add items to
NNOOTTEE:: TToo ffaacciilliittaattee ffaasstteerr ccooppyyiinngg ooff aauuddiioo ffiilleess ttoo yyoouurr ddeevviiccee,, iitt iiss
rreeccoommmmeennddeedd tthhaatt yyoouu ccoonnffiigguurree WWiinnddoowwss MMeeddiiaa PPllaayyeerr oonn yyoouurr
ccoommppuutteerr ttoo aauuttoommaattiiccaallllyy ddeetteerrmmiinnee tthhee qquuaalliittyy lleevveell sseettttiinnggss
aapppplliiccaabbllee ttoo yyoouurr PPPPCC44110000 PPoocckkeett PPCC..
Match the Player’s look with your style and mood by
downloading a variety of custom skins ranging from
cute rubber duckies to retro Elvis themes.
Use your favorite WMA music to create and apply
your own custom WMA ring tones.
Use the Windows Media Player on your computer to
copy your digital media files to your PPC4100 Pocket
PC. Doing this, instead of simply copying files using the
Explore button in ActiveSync, ensures that licences are
copied with protected files.
1. In Windows Media Player on your computer, click
CCooppyy ttoo CCDD oorr DDeevviiccee
On the File menu, point to
, and then click
ttoo PPoorrttaabbllee DDeevviiccee
(you must first connect your device to
your computer).
2. In the Items to Copy pane, in the drop-down list,
click the playlist, category, or other item that you want to
3. Clear the check boxes next to any files you do not
want to copy.
4. In the Items on Device pane, in the drop-down list,
click the name of your device.
5. Click the
The device Player verifies that there is sufficient
storage space on your device to copy the selected files.
If there is sufficient space, the files are converted (if
necessary) and copied.
6. Repeat steps 2-5 for any other items that you want to
copy to your device.