AT&T PPC4100 GPS Receiver User Manual

To remove a stor
age card:
1. Hold your device securely, then push against the top
of the card, as if you were pushing it further into the slot,
letting the card spring out. An audible system sound will
signal that the card has been released.
2. Gently remove the card from the slot.
Your device has an expansion slot compatible with a
range of SD, MMC, and SDIO storage cards that you can
use to back up or transfer files and data.
o insert a storage card:
Hold your device securely, then push the card into the
slot until you hear an audible system sound; this will
signal that the card is already properly seated within the
slot.The card is secure when it is not protruding from the
NNOOTTEE:: TThhiiss ddeevviiccee ccoommeess wwiitthh aa pprrootteeccttiivvee ppiieeccee iinn tthhee ccaarrdd
sslloott.. RReemmoovvee tthhee ppllaassttiicc ccaarrdd ffrroomm tthhee sslloott bbeeffoorree ttrryyiinngg ttoo
iinnsseerrtt aann SSDD oorr MMMMCC ccaarrdd..