AT&T PPC4100 GPS Receiver User Manual

To make an emergency call:
1. Dial the emergency number by using Dialer.
For international emergency calls, dial 112.
For US/Canada emergency calls, dial 911.
2. Tap or press the
button .
Your handset supports the international emergency
number 112, and for US/Canada residents, the
emergency number 911 as well. You can call these
numbers for emergency police, fire, and medical
Generally, you can make a call to these emergency
numbers, with or without a SIM card installed on your
device, as long as a mobile phone service network is
available in your area. However, some mobile phone
service providers may require that a SIM card is
inserted, and in some cases that the PIN has been
entered as well, before an emergency call can be made.
Contact your mobile service provider for the
requirements applicable to your mobile subscription.
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