
Your device is not just a financial investment but a
wealthy source of personal information, some of which
may be confidential so it is only logical to protect it from
any unauthorized access. The Security setting gives you
the option of assigning a lock password that will be
required to access your device after a set period of
To assign a lock password:
1. Tap , then
2. On the Personal tab, tap
The Password Settings window appears.
3. On the Password tab, select the check box to enable
the password function.
4. Tap the pick list to select the period of inactivity before
the lock password will be required for access.
5. Tap a radio button corresponding to the password
mode you want to apply. You have two options.
Simple 4 digit password
This password mode requires a 4-digit password.
Strong alphanumeric password
This password mode requires an alphanumeric
password (i.e., a combination of upper- and lower case
letters, numbers, and symbols) consisting of at least
seven characters.
6. If you want to set a keyword to serve as a password
reminder in case you forget it, tap the
7. Tap
o perform a hard reset:
A hard reset will cut off power to your device. This will
erase all records and entries, delete all programs you
have added, and restore the device default factory
settings. Never perform a hard reset unless a soft reset
does not correct your problem. When you perform your
next ActiveSync operation, you can restore any data that
you previously synchronized to your computer or you
can restore data that you backed up to a storage card.
1. Hold down the
button on the front panel of
your device.
2. While holding down the power button , gently press
the tip of the stylus to the reset button.
The Confirmation message box appears.
3. Press the volume rocker key up.
NNOOTTEE:: WWhheenn yyoouu ppeerrffoorrmm aa hhaarrdd rreesseett,, tthhee ccuurrrreenntt ddaattee aanndd
ttiimmee aarree nnoott bbee rreettaaiinneedd.. FFoorrmmaattss,, pprreeffeerreenncceess,, aanndd ootthheerr
sseettttiinnggss aarree rreessttoorreedd ttoo tthheeiirr ffaaccttoorryy ddeeffaauulltt sseettttiinnggss..