AT&T PPC4100 GPS Receiver User Manual

To save de
vice memory in downloading mobile f
Mobile favorites take up storage memory on your device.
To minimize the amount of memory used, observe the
In the settings for the Favorites information type in
ActiveSync options, turn off pictures and sounds, or stop
some mobile favorites from being downloaded to your
Limit the number of downloaded linked pages. In
Internet Explorer on the computer, right-click the mobile
favorite you want to change and then click
the Download tab, specify 0 or 1 for the number of linked
pages you want to download.
To create a mobile fav
1. In Internet Explorer on your computer, click
CCrreeaattee MMoobbiillee FFaavvoorriittee
2. To change the link name, enter a new name in the
Name box.
3. Optionally, in Update, select a desired update schedule.
If you did not specify an update schedule, you will need
to manually download content to keep the information
updated on both your computer and device. Before
synchronizing with your device, in Internet Explorer on
your computer, click
, then
. You will
see the last time content was downloaded to the
computer, and you can manually download content if
4. Click
Internet Explorer downloads the latest version of the
page to your computer.
o download a mobile favorite:
1. Right-click the mobile favorite, then click
2. In the Download tab, specify the number of links deep
you want to download.
To conserve device memory, go only one level deep.
3. Synchronize your device and computer.
Mobile favorites that are stored in the Mobile Favorites
folder in Internet Explorer are downloaded to your
TTIIPP:: YYoouu ccaann aadddd aa bbuuttttoonn ttoo tthhee IInntteerrnneett EExxpplloorreerr ttoooollbbaarr ffoorr
ccrreeaattiinngg mmoobbiillee ffaavvoorriitteess.. IInn IInntteerrnneett EExxpplloorreerr oonn yyoouurr ccoommppuutteerr,,
cclliicckk VViieeww
,, TToooollbbaarrss
,, tthheenn CCuussttoommiizzee..