You need to set up a connection to an email server so
that you can send and receive email messages by using
a modem or network connection and Inbox on your
device. You can use multiple email accounts to receive
your messages. For each email account you intend to
use, first set up and name the email service. If you use
the same service to connect to different mailboxes, set
up and name each mailbox connection.
There are two types of email account that that can be
managed using your device.
Microsoft Outlook
Using Microsoft Outlook, your Inbox is updated each
time you sync with your computer or corporate email
server. And if you’ve sign up for the Office Online
service, you could also access your office emails
wirelessly. See page 184 for more information on how to
sign up for this service.
This includes email service from providers such as
Quest, Earthlink and attbi/Comcast. These email
accounts can be managed remotely using a wireless
6. In the Select a modem list, select your modem type.
If your modem type does not appear, try re-inserting
the modem card. If you are using an external modem
that is connected to your device with a cable, select
HHaayyeess CCoommppaattiibbllee oonn CCOOMM11
7. Tap
to continue configuring your modem connection
depending on the modem type you selected.
You need not change any settings in the Advanced
window. Most ISPs now use a dynamically assigned
address. If the ISP you are connecting to does not use a
dynamically-assigned address, tap
, then the
tab, and enter the address. When finished, tap
8. Tap
to create the new modem connection.