AT&T PPC4100 GPS Receiver User Manual

(4) Press the SIM card holder down.
(5) Slide the SIM card holder to the left to lock it into
4. Reinstall the battery pack. See page 12 for instructions.
The default settings for your device are programmed on
the assumption that you’ll be using the phone
function so once you’ve properly installed a SIM card
(and in some cases, entered a PIN), you can then
proceed to establishing a connection to your mobile
service provider’s network.
After you have installed the SIM card you’ll be able to
activate your mobile service connection. In most cases,
SIM cards are preset with a PIN (Personal Identity
Number), provided by your mobile service provider,
which you need to enter to establish mobile service
NNOOTTEE:: IIff yyoouurree nnoott ggooiinngg ttoo iinnssttaallll aa SSIIMM ccaarrdd oonn yyoouurr ddeevviiccee,,
kkeeeepp tthhee PPhhoonnee pprrooggrraamm cclloosseedd ttoo mmiinniimmiizzee ppoowweerr ccoonnssuummppttiioonn..
If you wish to use the phone function, you need to first
install a valid SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card.
A SIM card is a small printed circuit board that must be
installed when signing on as a subscriber in a
GSM-based mobile phone like your PPC4100. It
contains subscriber details, security information and
memory for a personal directory of numbers. An AT&T
Wireless SIM card is included in your PPC4100 gitftbox.
o install the SIM card:
1. If the device is switched on:
(1) Press and hold the
button on your device
until appears in the navigation bar.
(2) Press the
button to turn off the device.
(3) Wait five (5) seconds to allow the device to
completely enter sleep mode.
2. Remove the battery pack. See page 12 for instructions.
3. Perform the following steps with the open rear panel
facing you:
(1) Slide the SIM card holder to the right.
(2) Lift the holder halfway from the recess area.
(3) Insert the SIM card into SIM card holder.
Note the proper position of the SIM card—the card
connector (i.e., gold area) should be facing downward
with the bevelled corner fitting the lower-left corner of the
recess area.