number Enter the alarm integer number from 1 to 65535. The value
must be unique in the RMON alarm table.
variable Enter the MIB object to monitor. The variable must be in the
SNMP OID format; for example, The object
type must be a 32-bit integer.
interval Time, in seconds, the alarm monitors the MIB variables; this
is the alarmSampleType in the RMON alarm table. The range
is from 5 to 3600 seconds.
delta Enter the keyword delta to test the change between MIB
variables. This is the alarmSampleType in the RMON alarm
absolute Enter the keyword absolute to test each MIB variable
directly. This is the alarmSampleType in the RMON alarm
threshold value
Enter the keywords rising-threshold then the value (32
bit) the rising-threshold alarm is either triggered or reset.
Then enter the event-number to trigger when the rising
threshold exceeds its limit. This value is the same as the
alarmRisingEventIndex or alarmTable of the RMON MIB. If
there is no corresponding rising-threshold event, the value is
threshold value
Enter the keywords falling-threshold then the value (32
bit) the falling-threshold alarm is either triggered or reset.
Then enter the event-number to trigger when the falling
threshold exceeds its limit. This value is the same as the
alarmFallingEventIndex or the alarmTable of the RMON MIB.
If there is no corresponding falling-threshold event, the value
is zero.
owner string (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword owner then the owner name
to specify an owner for the alarm. This is the alarmOwner
object in the alarmTable of the RMON MIB.
Defaults owner
This guide is platform-specific. For command information about other platforms,
refer to the relevant Dell Networking OS Command Line Reference Guide.
The following is a list of the Dell Networking OS version history for this command.
Version Description
9.7(0.0) Introduced on the S6000-ON.
Remote Monitoring (RMON)