protocol-type Enter one of the following keywords as the protocol type:
• icmp for internet control message protocol
• ip for any internet protocol
• tcp for transmission control protocol
• udp for user datagram protocol
source Enter the IP address of the network or host from which the
packets were sent.
mask Enter a network mask in /prefix format (/x).
any Enter the keyword any to specify that all traffic is subject to
the filter.
host ip-address Enter the keyword host then the IP address to specify a host
IP address.
destination Enter the IP address of the network or host to which the
packets are sent.
bit (OPTIONAL) For the TCP protocol type only, enter one or a
combination of the following TCP flags:
• ack = acknowledgement
• fin = finish (no more data from the user)
• psh = push function
• rst = reset the connection
• syn = synchronize sequence number
• urg = urgent field
operator (OPTIONAL) For the TCP and UDP parameters only. Enter
one of the following logical operand:
• eq = equal to
• neq = not equal to
• gt = greater than
• lt= less than
• range = inclusive range of ports (you must specify two
ports for the port command parameter.)
source port Enter the keywords source-port then the port number to
be matched in the ACL rule in the ICAP rule
Enter the keywords destination-port then the port
number to be matched in the ACL rule in the ICAP rule.
Enter the keywords Source-port-range then the range of
the start port to end port to be matched in the ACL rule in
the ICAP rule.
Policy-based Routing (PBR)