Simrad AP50 Autopilot
166 20221032B
Display readout Probable fault Recommended action
No rudder response
(Remains in actual
mode without any
rudder command)
− Steering gear not
− Broken connection
− Missing power
− Defective electronics
1. Check all connections.
2. Check Rudder FB transmission
link, steering gear, and change
over switches.
3. Check the drive unit motor/
brushes and bypass
For solenoid drive:
4. Check LEDs for command from
galvanic isolated solenoid
electronics (ref. page 86).
5. Replace the junction unit Power
6. Check the jumper switch (S1)
setting on J50 Power PCB.
For Analog or Proportional drive:
7. Check that the AD50 is
operative (ref. separate manual
for AD50).
Rudder too slow Excessive load on
steering gear, air in the
hydraulic system or
insufficient drive unit
1. Look for mechanical
obstructions at the
rudder/tiller/quadrant. Check
the back drive force.
2. Bleed the hydraulic system.
3. Replace with a bigger pump
Rudder test failed The following conditions
may exist:
a) Rudder feedback
b) J50 current overload.
c) Bypass/clutch
Refer to the recommended actions
for the specific probable faults.
Rudder moves in only
one direction
a) Poor connection to
one of the solenoids
running pump).
b) Faulty Power PCB
in junction unit.
a) Check the connections
b) Replace the junction unit Power