Simrad AP50 Autopilot
138 20221032B
Set Cruising Speed
Compass Flux1
Offset +005°
Heading 288°
Speed source Man
Set cruising speed 15kt
Steer the boat at cruising speed. The speed is shown at the Set
cruising speed line. Rotate the course knob clockwise to
confirm the cruising speed.
If Speed source is set to Man, adjust for actual cruising speed
by the course knob.
Proceed to the Set rudder zero item by pressing the (STBD)
button or return to STANDBY mode by pressing the
Set Rudder Zero
(Not applicable for analog drive)
This adjustment should be made in calm sea with little side
forces from wind or current.
Set rudder zero
Not done S01
Set rate of turn
240 Not done 000°/min
Manual tuning
Automatic tuning
Speed response
• Bring the boat up to cruising speed and head directly into the
• If the boat has twin engines, synchronize the engines’ RPM's.
• Set the trim tabs and stabilizers to have no effect on the boat’s
• Steer the boat manually on a steady course.
• Confirm the rudder zero position by rotating the course knob
Proceed to the Set rate of turn function by pressing the
(STBD) button or return to STANDBY mode by pressing the
STBY button.
Set Rate of Turn
(Not applicable for analog drives)
The setting determines both the Rate of turn and the Turn gain
(ref. Settings Menu, page 155) used for course changes in
automatic steering modes. It is essential that this setting is
carried out at sea when the boat is turning. To avoid setting at
dockside it is blocked for rate of turn less than 5°/min.
Before this setting, the display shows ‘Not done’ with default
rate of turn to the left. Afterwards the display reads ‘Done’ with
set value to the left. The present rate of turn is always shown to
the right.
Set rudder zero
Done 00
Set rate of turn
240 Not done 000°/min
Manual tuning
Automatic tuning
Speed response
At cruising speed, make a manual, constant turn. When you have
an acceptable turn and the Rate of turn reading is stable, rotate
the course knob clockwise to confirm the setting. Verify that the
rate value and ‘Confirmed’ is displayed.
The Rate of turn may be readjusted at any time while in