Simrad AP50 Autopilot
158 20221032B
Thruster hyst
(Only applicable for Continuous and Danfoss thrusters)
When applying a command signal to a proportional valve, a
certain amount of deadband may occur, dependant on the
directional change of the command. Therefore, a certain “extra”
menu-adjustable command signal is generated and either added
or subtracted to the command signal in order to compensate for
the deadband. Hence the command signal gives the required
power without the “loss of deadband signal”.
Range: 0 to 10% in 1% increments.
Default: 0%.
Thruster Drive
(Only applicable for Continuous and Danfoss thrusters)
For On/Off thrusters, it is important to keep thruster activity to a
minimum. TI50 therefore has a feature that adaptively adjusts
the length of each thruster command to bring the vessel back on
heading without over- or undershoot.
When setting Thruster drive to “Adaptive on/off”, this feature
will also apply for continuously type thrusters in all Work
modes (not Follow Up). For operations where the Thruster sens
can be of some degrees, on/off adaptively will reduce activity
also for continuous type thrusters.
Refer also to the Thruster gain setting for optional
Default: Continuous
Response delay
(Only applicable for Continuous and Danfoss thrusters)
This parameter determines the slope-time of the start/stop signal
to the thruster. Increased value will give softer start/stop and less
wear of the thruster. Big powerful thrusters normally need a
longer start time than small rapid thrusters.
Range: 0-2 seconds
Default: 1 second