Advanced Settings
20221032B 157
When operating in “Continuous” mode, the thruster gain
setting determines the power from the thruster versus heading
error. For higher values, the power increases with the same error
signal. If the vessel tends to oscillate around set heading, the
value should be decreased. If the vessel has a slow approach to
set heading, the value should be increased.
When operating in “Adaptive on/off” mode, the setting
determines the fixed power from the thruster. Higher value gives
more power. Some thrusters may be so powerful that even the
shortest command makes the vessel to overshoot, especially at
low setting of Thruster sens. If so the Thruster gain must be
reduced. If the power is too low for the vessel to regain heading
within reasonable time, the setting should be increased.
Range: 0.05 to 2.00
Default: 1 for Continuous thrusters
2 for Adaptive on/off operation
(Ref. Thruster Drive Setting, page 158)
Minimum thrust
(Only applicable for Continuous and Danfoss thrusters)
The Minimum thrust determines the amount of power (in % of
maximum control signal) that is applied as "first command
signal". (Refer to page 137)
Range: 0 to 50% in 1% increments.
Default: 0%.