Control systems
COMAND navigation system (last destinations)
̄ COMAND navigation system (last destinations)
Saving a destination permanently in
the destination memory
̈ Proceed as described in the “Saving a
destination from the list of last destina-
tions” section (
୴ page 217).
Saving the vehicle position in the list of
last destinations
̈ Centering map on the vehicle’s posi-
tion: Select “Navi” Ǟ “Position” Ǟ
“Vehicle Position Map”.
̈ Saving: Select “Navi” Ǟ “Position” Ǟ
“Save Position”.
COMAND saves the current vehicle po-
sition as a destination in the list of last
Saving the crosshair position in the list
of last destinations
̈ Showing menu system, if neces-
sary: Press n.
̈ Select “Position” Ǟ “Save Position”.
COMAND saves the crosshair position
as a destination in the list of last desti-
Deleting one of the last destinations
̈ Select “Navi” Ǟ “Destination” Ǟ
“From Last Destinations”.
The list of last destinations appears.
̈ Select desired destination.
The address of the destination ap-
̈ Select “Delete”.
̈ Select “Yes” or “No”.
COMAND automatically saves the last desti-
nations for which the route calculation was
launched. It is stored in the “last destinations”
memory. If this memory is full, COMAND deletes
the oldest destination. You can also save one
destination from the list of last destinations in
the destination memory. It will be saved there
If you have manually moved the map, you
will see a crosshair on the map (
୴ page 167).
You can save the crosshair position as a destina-
tion in the list of last destinations.