Garmin 3210 GPS Receiver User Manual

GPSMAP 3206/3210 Owner’s Manual 71
MaIn Menu > MaP tab
The AIS sub tab contains the following options:
AIS Vessels—sets the maximum zoom scale at which AIS vessels appear
on-screen. Select Off, Auto, All Ranges, or <30 ft to <800 nm.
Heading Line
—draws an extension from the end of the boat icon in the
direction of travel. For Time, enter the numeric time value for which you
want the line to extend. The Time line length automatically adjusts as your
speed changes.
Source Sub Tab
Use the Source sub tab to turn basemaps and card maps on or off.
Basemap—turns the built-in basemap on or off.
Card Maps—turns all optional BlueChart g2 or MapSource data loaded on
the data card on or off.
Use the Advanced soft key to show optional BlueChart or MapSource data
loaded on the data card. Each map family (or type) is described by name and can
be cleared if you do not want to show the data on the Map Page.
To show the Advanced Map Card Setup:
1. PresstheAdvancedsoftkeytoopentheAdvancedMapCardSetup
2. UsetheROCKERtohighlightamapfamilyintheMapFamilyNamelist.
3. PresstheOffsoftkeytoselectorhidethemapfamily,orpresstheOnsoft
PresstheShow Allsoftkeytoshowallmapfamilies.PresstheShow
4 Toviewthenotesorchartinformationforthatmaparea,highlightthemap
5. PresstheChart Infosoftkeytoviewchartinformation.PresstheNotes
6. Toscrollthroughthenotes,highlighttheNoteseld,pressENTER,and
7. PressQUITtoexit.