Garmin 3210 GPS Receiver User Manual

118 GPSMAP 3206/3210 Owner’s Manual
hardness of the bottom 77
hard structure 77
heading 62
heading line 90, 98
heading sensor 95
hide/show navigation features 92
highlight 9
Highway Page 42
installation i
invert route 27
keel offset 83
labels 69
language 61
leg distance 31
leg time 31
limited warranty 113
log, temperature 85
log and graph scale 85
log duration 72
LORAN TD 106–107
magnetic north 62
Main Menu 45–75
manage user card 57
manual conventions i
manually adjust the radar 100
map cursor 37
map data 11
map datums 62
map outlines 68
Map Page 36–39
map pointer 11
map ranges 38
MapSource 57, 102
Map tab 67–71
marine bulletins 88
marine remote control 3
Maritime Mobile Service Identity. See MMSI
MARPA 92, 95–96
MARPA sub tab 97, 99
merge from card 57
messages 110
Mini Automatic Radar Plotting Aid. See MAR-
MMSI number 105
MOB 25
moon phase 49
moon rise/set 49
narrow beam 76
NAV/MOB Key 2, 21, 24, 56
Nav alarms 59
navigating a saved route 26
Navigation Features 92, 98, 99
navigation terms 110
Network tab 66
NMEA interface 64
NMEA output setup 64
north reference 62
off course alarm 59
on-screen buttons 10
orientation 68, 98
Own Vessel Safe Zone 99
PAGE key 2
Pages tab 66
pointer mode 37
position format 62
position mode 37
position report 55
POWER key 2
precipitation 86
pressure 62
product registration v
proximity alarms 20
proximity waypoint list 20
proximity waypoints 20
QUIT key 2
Radar 89–100
radar overlay 97
Radar Page 91
Radar tab 72, 97–100
radar warming up 89
rain clutter 92
RANGE keys 2
range rings 90
re-evaluate route 27
receiver status 7
replace from card 57
review waypoint page 16
rings 98
ROCKER key 2
routes 25–31
Routes tab 52
safety feature 89
safe zone ring 99
satellite acquisition 6
satellite location 103
satellite sky view 103
saturation, video 44
saved tracks 54
scale, log and graph 85
scroll bar 9
sea clutter 92
sea state 86
sea surface 86
services 61
set position 7
Setup tab 60
shallow water alarm 59
shortcut keys 4
signal strength 100
simulating operation message 8
simulator 60
simulator mode 8
simulator set position 8
simulator track 8
simulator track control 8
skyview orientation 7
soft keys 10, 90
soft structure 77
software license agreement v
software update 91
software version 61
Sonar 76–85