88 Instruments and Controls
Auto Neutral Telltale
The Auto Neutral Telltale is for the Allison
WTEC III transmission. The green indica-
tor lights up when the transmission is in
auto neutral. Auto neutral is activated just
before the vehicle comes to a complete stop
(less than 1.5 mph [2.5 km/h]). The gear is
re-engaged shortly (1–2 seconds) after the
brake pedal is released.
Allow for the gear re-engagement when ap-
plying throttle; do not increase engine
speed before the transmission has engaged.
If the engine speed is too high, the trans-
mission will not engage.
When operating the vehicle on normal
grades (less than 4%), a slight roll-back
can be experienced when the brake
pedal is released and before the trans-
mission re-engages.
NOTE! When operating on severe grades
(more than 5%), the transmission has a
safety feature that can be used. Before re-
leasing the brake pedal, manually press the
“DRIVE” key on the Allison gear selector,
and the gear is re-engaged manually to as-
sist in preventing roll-back.