210 Engine Start and Operation
The operator should understand the operat-
ing characteristics of the engine the vehicle
is equipped with. Modern diesel engines
have maximum torques at much lower en-
gine speeds than in the past. As such, these
engines are designed to perform satisfacto-
rily at a lower speed. New transmissions
with wide ratio steps between gears de-
mand the use of these engines.
Excessive exhaust smoke may be due to the
type of fuel used, a restricted air cleaner, a
malfunctioning fuel system or the way the
vehicle is operated. Shift gears and increase
or decrease the engine speed as necessary
to obtain the engine speed/transmission
gear combination which will prevent smok-
ing. Excessive smoke indicates wasted fuel
which creates carbon deposits in the engine
and turbocharger. This causes excessive en-
gine wear and oil consumption. Excessive
smoke not only polutes the atmosphere but
can also cause shortened exhaust system
Engine Break-In
Engines used in the VHD-series are run on
dynamometers before being shipped from
the manufacturer. In most applications, the
engine can be put to work immediately, but
the operator should be extra observant of
the operating conditions shown on the
gauges during the initial 100 hours or 3000
miles (5000 km).
A more frequent check of the engine com-
partment for fluid leaks, fluid levels and
fastener tightness is also recommended dur-
ing the initial period.