108 Graphic Display
Graphic Display Overview
The display in the bottom left-hand corner
of the instrument cluster presents opera-
tional information to the driver. The display
menus and functions are selected with the
controls on the right-hand side of the steer-
ing wheel. Certain information will be
shown automatically (e.g. warning mes-
sages that need immediate attention).
The display has a large number of main
menus and sub-menus used for selecting
the correct functions. This section describes
each function: how the display functions
are accessed with the controls on the wind-
shield wiper lever and which actions are
required by the driver when messages are
automatically shown in the display.
The information which is accessible varies,
depending on whether the truck is in a
driving or non-driving mode. Certain func-
tions are protected by a password and are
not shown until the correct password has
been entered. Password protected functions
are described in Service Manual
Instrumentation, VN, from 3/99 and VHD”
(see page 287 for order information).
In order to control a specific function it is
important to know which menu you are
working in. When a function is described
in this section, the information contains the
menu name. For example:
”MENU:” Set-Up Mode, Language.