74 Instruments and Controls
3— STOP Telltale
Failure to take necessary action when
STOP telltale is on, can ultimately
result in automatic engine shutdown and
loss of power steering assist. Vehicle
crash resulting in personal injury or
death can occur.
STOP telltale lights up red to alert
the operator that a severe problem has been
detected and in some cases a preventive ac-
tion may be taken by the engine electronics
to protect the engine. For example: if oil
pressure or coolant level drops too low, the
engine will be forced to low idle and when
the vehicle speed is zero, the engine shuts
down. Another example is: with excessive
coolant temperature, the engine will gradu-
ally reduce power output to 50%. This
telltale always activates the buzzer.
The engine may be started again after the
key is turned off and then back on. How-
ever, it will only operate for 30 seconds
unless the problem is resolved.
If the problem is allowed to persist, seri-
ous damage to the engine may occur.
Always repair the cause of the problem
before taking the vehicle into service
The engine could be forced to low idle
within 30 seconds from when the light
came on. Pull off the road as soon as possi-
ble without being a safety hazard.
See page 120 for a listing on related mes-
sages that trigger this telltale.