288 Service Information
To order a single Service Manual or a Ser-
vice Manual Set for your vehicle, you
should contact your authorized Volvo Truck
dealer or fax a request to the Volvo Truck
North America, Inc. publications warehouse
[Fax: (336) 668–3625]. They will help you
locate the manual(s) you need.
To be able to handle the order correctly,
you must give the model, year and VIN
(for VIN location, see page 16).
Current prices for a Service Manual Set is
$350.00 for vehicles with a Volvo engine
and $300.00 for vehicles with a Cummins
or Detroit Diesel (engine manuals have to
be ordered separately from the manufac-
turer). If complete wiring schematics are
needed, they can be ordered for $150.00.
Billing will be done through the nearest
Volvo Truck dealer.
NOTE! Prices subject to change without
notice. Please allow 30 days for delivery.
Name Company
CSZ (Province, Postal Code)
Vehicle Model Phone/Fax
Model Year VIN
Item 1:
Item 2:
Item 3:
Item 4:
Item 5: