104 Instruments and Controls
Pneumatic Switch Cluster
The pneumatic switch cluster can have up
to four optional equipment switches. They
regulate air flow directly to the following
equipment: Differential Lock — Wheel and
Interaxle, Air Suspension Level and Fifth
Wheel Slide.
To prevent accidental engagement, each
switch has a latch that needs to be pressed
down before the switch can be operated.
Differential Locks (option)
There are differential locks available for
each driving axle (4X2 or 6X4) or between
axles on a 6X4. The differential lock elimi-
nates one-wheel spin-out on slippery
surfaces and improves traction. Each switch
has a safety latch to prevent accidental en-
gagement. When the lock is engaged, a
telltale lights up in the instrument cluster.
A differential lock should only be used on
a slippery surface and not when driving on
good road conditions. If a differential lock
telltale is activated in the instrument clus-
ter, do not make turns until the telltale has
gone out. See page 258 for information on
how to properly engage and drive with dif-
ferential locks engaged.
Left: Wheel diff. lock
Right: Inter-axle diff. lock