50 Additional Safety Features
The following maintenance guidelines de-
tail how to inspect safety belts and tethers
for cuts, fraying, extreme or unusual wear
of the webbing, etc., and damage to the
buckle, retractor, hardware or other factors
which indicate that safety belt system re-
placement is necessary.
Check the web wear at the buckle/latch
area. The webbing must be closely exam-
ined to determine if there are any cuts,
fraying or extreme wear in the webbing.
Cuts, fraying or excessive wear would indi-
cate the need for replacement of the safety
belt system.
The D-loop web guide is an area where al-
most constant movement of the safety belt
webbing occurs because of the relative
movement between the seat and the cab.
This constant movement forms an area
where wear will often occur. The webbing
must be closely examined to determine if
there are any cuts, fraying or extreme wear
in the webbing. Cuts, fraying or excessive
wear would indicate the need for replace-
ment of the safety belt system.