03 Climate control
General information on climate control
Air conditioning
The climate control system cools or heats,
and dehumidifies the air entering the passen-
ger compartment. The car is equipped with
either manual (
AC) or electronic climate con-
trol (
Misting windows
Reduce the problem of windows misting up
on the inside by cleaning the windows. Use a
regular window cleaner.
Particle filter
Make sure that the multifilter/particle filter is
replaced regularly. Consult an authorised
Volvo workshop.
Ice and snow
Remove ice and snow from the climate con-
trol system air intake (the grille between the
bonnet and the windscreen).
Fault tracing and repair
Entrust fault tracing and repair of the climate
control system to an authorised Volvo work-
shop only.
The air conditioning system contains R134a
refrigerant. This refrigerant contains no chlo-
rine, which means that it is harmless to the
ozone layer. The system must only be
charged with R134a refrigerant. Have an au-
thorised Volvo workshop carry out this work.
Cars with ECC
Actual temperature
The temperature you select corresponds to
the physical experience with reference to air
speed, humidity, exposure to sun, etc. which
affect the interior and exterior of the car.
The sun sensor is on the upper portion of the
dashboard. Remember not to cover it. Do not
cover the passenger compartment tempera-
ture sensor on the climate control panel.
Side windows and sunroof
To ensure that the air conditioning works sat-
isfactorily, close all side windows and the
sunroof (if fitted). Also, make sure the air
ducts in the parcel shelf are not blocked.
The air conditioning system switches off
temporarily at full acceleration. You may feel
a temporary rise in temperature.
In warm weather, condensation from the air
conditioning system may drip under the car.
This is normal.
Fuel economy
With ECC, the air conditioning system is con-
trolled automatically and is used just enough
to cool the passenger compartment and de-
humidify the incoming air. This provides bet-
ter fuel economy compared to conventional
systems where the air conditioning cools the
air to just above freezing point.
The air conditioning can be switched off,
but to ensure the best possible air in the
passenger compartment and prevent the
windows from misting, it should always
be on.