6A1 ENGINE (E-W) -
Timing Belt
(3) Align the timing mark on the crankshaft sprocket with
that on the cylinder block side.
(4) Fit the timing belt on the sprockets in the following order:
1) Fit the timing belt on the crankshaft sprocket and
then, while giving tension to the belt, fit it on the
water pump sprocket.
2) Fit the belt on the left bank camshaft sprocket.
3) Fit the belt on the idler pulley while keeping it tight.
4) Align the timing mark on the right bank camshaft
sprocket with the mark on the cylinder block, and
then fit the belt on the camshaft sprocket.
The camshaft sprockets are prone to rotate. Avoid
giving excessive tension to the timing belt when
it is fitted.
5) Make sure that the left bank portion of the belt is
not slack when the belt is fitted on the tensioner pulley.
If it is slack, remove the belt and fit it again beginning
with the first step.
(5) Move the tensioner pulley in t h e direction of the arrow
and hold it in raised position by tightening the tensioner
pulley bolt.
(6) Check that all timing marks are aligned correctly.
(7) Turn the crankshaft counterclockwise a quarter turn.
(8) Turn back the crankshaft clockwise until the timing marks
align again.
(9) Install the special tool and a torque wrench of 0 - 5
Nm to the tensioner pulley.
(10)Torque the tensioner pulley to 3 Nm with the torque
(11) While holding the tensioner pulley, tighten the center bolt
to specification.
(12) Turn the crankshaft clockwise 2 turns and let it stand
for about 5 minutes.
Mitsubishi Motors Corporation Feb. 1997 PWEE9622