Rear Axle
Compress the axle assembly to the specified length while
relieving the air pressure inside the inboard boot.
Hold the axle at this setting.
Standard Length of Assembling:
Outboard: 216.2 mm (8.51 in.) [A]
Open the edge of the boot in order to equalize the air
Tighten the large band [A] and bend the tangs securely to
hold down the end of the band.
Maximum Outside Diameter of Band: 80.2 mm (3.16 in.)
(After tightening the outside diameter)
Inboard Joint Boot Removal
Rear Axle (see Rear Axle Removal)
Boot Bands [A]
Scrap the removed boot bands.
Slide the joint boot toward the outboard joint.
Remove the retaining ring [A].
Separate to the axle shaft.
Remove the steel balls [A].
Slide the cage [B] toward the outboard joint.