Getting Started
This option will only be available when MapSource CD data that contains
intersections is loaded in the unit. When ‘Intersection’ is selected, the Find
Intersection Page is displayed. To fi nd an Intersection, you must enter the First
and Second street names. You can also enter the City and Postal Code, these
fi elds will shorten the search time.
To enter a data in one of the fi elds, highlight the fi eld then press ENTER.
When you have fi nished, press ENTER to exit the fi eld. When you are ready to
search for an Intersection, highlight the ‘Find’ Button then press ENTER. The
unit will display the Select Intersection Page.
The Select Intersection Page will show Intersections that closely match your
entry. Highlight the correct Intersection then press ENTER. This will display
the Intersection Information Page. From this page you can Goto the Intersection,
view the Intersection on the Map Page, save the Intersection as a waypoint or
exit the page.
To begin direct navigation, highlight ‘Goto’ then press ENTER. To view
the Intersection on the Map, highlight ‘Map’ then press ENTER. To exit the
page, highlight ‘OK’ then press ENTER. You also have the option of saving the
Intersection as a waypoint. To save the Intersection as a waypoint, press the
MENU Key, with ‘Save as Waypoint’ highlighted, press ENTER.
Find Intersection Page
Main Menu
Addresses — Intersections
When searching for an Address or Intersection, do not
put a prefi x in front of the street name. When you do the
search, the unit will display a list where you can quickly
make the correct selection.
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