Getting Started
Before we take off walking lets clear the Track Log. The Track Log is the bread
crumb trail left on the Map Page and Highway Page.
To clear the Track Log:
1 Press the MENU Key twice to display the Main Menu.
2. Highlight Tracks then press the ENTER Key.
3. Highlight the ‘Clear’ Button then press the ENTER Key.
4. Highlight the ‘Yes’ Button then press the ENTER Key.
4. Press the PAGE Key until the Map Page is displayed.
Begin walking holding the GPSMAP 76 in front of you with the top of the
unit pointed toward the sky. As you move, you will see that the unit leaves a
bread crumb trail on the map indicating where you have been. Walk at least a
two minutes in one direction and then make either a right or left turn. Continue
walking in this new direction for approximately another two minutes.
Let’s start the trip back. Remember that GPS provides you with direct, straight
line navigation. It is not always possible to navigate using the most direct route,
don’t worry, the GPSMAP 76 will continuously update your Track and Bearing,
always pointing out the shortest route to your destination.
To begin navigation:
1. Press the NAV Key.
2. Select ‘Go To Point’ then press the ENTER Key.
3. Select ‘Waypoints’ then press the ENTER Key.
4. Select ‘HOME’ then press the ENTER Key.
5. With the ‘Goto’ Button highlighted, press ENTER.
Basic Navigation
Track 45°
Bearing 000°
from START to
Bearing 340° from current location
The GPS provides a straight line, direct navigation course
to your destination. Since it is not always possible to
follow a straight line from start to fi nish, as you move,
the Pointer will always point toward your destination and
the Compass Ring will always show your current track.
Continued on next page
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