The Menu Page gives you access to the Geko 201’s essential features. With the Menu
Page you can create (Mark) and select waypoints, select, save or change Tracks and Routes,
choose from the four Games, and access the system Setup features.
The MARK Page marks your current location as a waypoint. You can then change the
waypoint symbol, name, elevation and location (latitude and longitude). The ability
to enter a known location, then saving it as a Waypoint, works well for the popular
Geocaching activity.
To change the position data:
1. From the MENU Page press the UP or DOWN Button to highlight ‘MARK’ then press
the OK Button to display the MARK WAYPOINT Page.
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button and highlight the ‘POSITION DATA’ fi eld and press the
OK Button to display the EDIT LOCATION Page.
(Continued on Page 12)
Page Basics and Options
Menu Page
NOTE: To mark your current
location as a waypoint, the
Geko 201 must be ‘READY TO
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