Garmin GekoTM 201 GPS Receiver User Manual

Trip Computer Page
Page Basics
Four data fi elds of your choosing display on the Trip Computer Page. The default fi elds
are shown but by selecting the ‘CHANGE FIELDS’ option you can make your selections
from the list of 31 items.
To change the fi elds:
1. From the Trip Computer Page, press the OK Button to display the Page Options menu.
2. Press the UP or DOWN Button to highlight ‘CHANGE FIELDS’ and press the OK Button.
3. Press the UP or DOWN Button to highlight one the four fi elds to change and press the
OK Button to display the data fi eld options.
4. Press the UP or DOWN Button to scroll through the list, highlight an option and press
the OK Button to accept that option.
5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 as necessary, then press the PAGE Button to return to the Trip
Computer Page.
The complete list of options, including those that display fi gures only when you are
actively navigating, are listed on Page 10.
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