Alarms 7-1-7-4
anchor watch 7-2
arrival 7-1
clearing aural and visual alarms 7-1
cross track error (XTE) 7-2
depth 7-4
disabling 7-1
speed 7-3
trip 7-3
water temperature 7-4
Altitude unit 8-4
Anchor watch alarm 7-2
Apportioning the memory 2-5
Arrival alarm 7-1
Bearing reference 2-5
Brilliance adjustment 1-3
Centering own ship 2-2
Centering the cursor 2-2
Contrast adjustment 1-3
Control description 1-1
Course bar tone 8-5
Cross track error (XTE) alarm 7-2
centering 2-2
cursor state and data 2-1
shifting 2-2
size 8-5
Data display 6-1
Data output 8-6-8-7
Decca chains AP-7
Demo display 6-4
Depth alarm 7-4
Depth unit 8-4
cancelling 5-5
setting by cursor 5-1
setting by MOB/event position 5-3
setting through waypoint list 5-3
setting using route 5-4
DGPS station selection 8-10
Diagnostic tests
display 9-6
keyboard 9-5
memory and I/O ports 9-5
Disabling satellites 8-2
Display mode 1-3
Display orientation 2-1
Display test 9-6
Distance unit 8-4
DOP 1-2, 9-4
Enlarging characters 8-6
Enlarging the display 2-1
event marks 3-2
marks 3-1
MOB mark 3-3
position 8-4
routes 4-6
waypoints at own ship's position 4-3
waypoints by cursor 4-1
waypoints by LOPs 6-3
waypoints by MOB/event position 4-3
waypoints through waypoint list 4-4
entire route 4-8
marks (all types) 3-1
route waypoints 4-7
route waypoints (flags) 5-6
track 2-3
waypoints by cursor 4-5
waypoints through route list 4-5
Error messages 9-2
Event mark
setting as destination 5-3
Event marks
entering 3-2
shape 3-3