Description of function key programs (con’t from previous page)
Item Description
DISP ARP Activates/deactivates ARP.
DISP AIS Activates/deactivates AIS.
TARGET DATA & ACQ ARP: Acquires ARP target; shows data for ARP target selected.
AIS: Activates sleeping AIS target; shows data for AIS target
PAST POSN INTERVAL Chooses past position plotting interval.
REF MARK Inscribes reference mark (for target-based speed).
CPA LIMIT Turns CPA limit on/off.
CPA Enters CPA range.
TCPA Enters TCPA time.
GZ1 Sets Guard Zone 1.
GZ2 Sets Guard Zone 2.
TARGET LIST SORT Sorts target list.
TRIAL MANEUVER Executes trial maneuver.
ARP•AIS FUSION Converts ARP target to AIS target.
AIS MESSAGE Displays AIS message board.
TRIAL MODE CHANGE Switches between dynamic and static modes.
ECHO COLOR Chooses echo color.
BACK COLOR Chooses background color.
RING Turns range rings on/off.
ALARM1 Sets no. 1 guard alarm.
ALARM2 Sets no. 2 guard alarm.
Resets watch alarm.
ZOOM Enables zoom.
MARK DELETE Deletes mark (origin mark, waypoint mark, plotter mark).
OWN TRACK DELETE Deletes own ship’s tracks according to setting of OWN TRACK
menu (see page 5-15).
TGT TRACK DELETE Deletes other ship’s tracks according to setting of TARGET TRACK
menu (see page 5-15).
CHART ALIGN Aligns chart with radar picture.
DISPLAY SELECT Chooses display mode.
MOB Inscribes MOB mark.
USER DEFAULT Restores user defaults for [F1]-[F3].
(When “F-KEY” is selected at USER DEFAULT in OPERATION
(2/2) menu.
1. Set equipment as desired.
2. Display F1, F2 or F3 menu as applicable.
3. Choose USER DEFAULTS and long-push (more than one
second) the left button.
4. To recall a setting, select F1, F2 or F3 menu as applicable
and choose USER DEFAULTS.
The radar is then set to stand-by and “USER DEFAULT”
appears at the bottom right corner.
OWN TRK ALL ERASE Erases all own ship’s tracks.
TGT TRK ALL ERASE Erases all other ship’s tracks.
MARK ALL ERASE Erases all marks.