FAR-21x7(-BB)/28x7 SERIES
SP - 2 E3519S01L-M
6. Duplexer Ferrite circulator with diode limiter for
Ferrite circulator with TR limiter for FAR-2837SW
1. Screen Yellow or green echoes in 32 levels. Rasterscan non-interlace at 64
kHz horizontal, 60 Hz vertical. Non-IMO type has yellow or green
monochrome plus 3-color display according to echo strengths.
FAR-21x7 series FAR-28x7 series
Size, model 20.1-inch color LCD, MU-201CR 23.1-inch color LCD, MU-231CR
Display area (mm) 399.36 x 319.49 470.4 x 352.8
Resolution 1280 x 1024 pixels 1600 x 1200 pixels
Effective radar diameter 308 mm (H: 64 kHz, V: 60 Hz) 340 mm (H: 75 kHz, V: 60 Hz)
2. Minimum range and Minimum range: 20 m w/raw video, + 0-2 m w/digitize error
range discrimination Range discrimination: 20 m w/raw video, + 0-6 m w/digitize error
3. Range scales (nm), 0.125 (.025), 0.25 (0.05), 0.5 (0.1), 0.75 (0.25), 1 (0.25)*, 1.5 (0.25),
ring interval 2 (0.5)*, 3 (0.5), 4 (1)*, 6 (1), 8 (2)*, 12 (2), 16 (4)*, 24 (4), 32 (8)*, 48
(8), 96 (16), 120 (20)* *: Non-IMO type only
4. Range accuracy Within 1%
5. Bearing discrimination 0.95° (XN4A), 0.75° (XN5A), 2.1° (XN12AF), 1.5° (XN20AF), 1.2°
(XN24AF), 2.5° (SN30AF), 2.0° (SN36AF)
6. Bearing accuracy ±1°
7. Presentation mode Head-up, Head-up TB, North-up, Course-up, True Motion sea or
ground stabilization
8. Plotting facilities
Auto or Manual acquisition: 100 targets in 0.1-32 nm
(ARPA or ATA) Auto tracking on all acquired targets
9. Radar map Nav lines, coastlines, buoys, etc. produced by operator. 20,000 pts
in radar mode, 6000 pts on IC card in chart mode
10. Guard zone GZ1: 0.5 nm width sector, within 3-6 nm, desired bearing
GZ2: 1 nm width sector or polygon, desired range and bearing
11. Parallel index line Choice of 2, 4 or 6 lines
12. AIS IMO SN Circ.217, IEC/PAS 60936-5
13. Chart cards FURUNO and NAVIONICS
1. IEC 61162-1 Ed. 2 RSD, TTM, AIS related data, etc.
2. Compass Built-in interface (option) for sync signal (20-135 V, 50-400 Hz), or
stepper signal (20-135 VDC), any polarity, for gyrocompass, GPS
compass SC-60/120 by IEC 61162-2
3. Speed log NMEA format data
4. Others Echo sounder, GPS navigator, water temperature, etc.
PM-31 (X-band)
1. Frequency range 9370 to 9450 MHz
2. Input power Min. +8 dBm, Max. +28 dBm
3. Power output (2
pulse max output) -36 dBm
4. Power output (2
pulse min output) -56 dBm
5. Steps levels (1
pulse to 2
pulse) 7.5 to 10.5 dB