User's manual MobileNavigator | 5
Working with the map - 95 -
The SPEED LIMIT screen allows you to determine whether you
want to display speed limits in navigation mode and whether
you want to be warned acoustically on speeding.
Setting Significance
Show traffic signs
This command indicates whether
signposts indicating speed limits are
currently being displayed or not.
Tap the Show traffic signs command
and select whether speed limits should
be displayed
On speeding only or
Warning in built-up
This command indicates from how much
speeding on you want to be warned
when driving within built-up areas.
Tap the Warning in built-up areas
command to select another value or to
set it to Never.
Warning outside
built-up areas
This command indicates from how much
speeding on you want to be warned
when driving outside built-up areas.
Tap the Warning outside built-up
areas command to select another value
or to set it to Never.
11. Tap Save to save the modifications.
The modifications will be taken over and displayed on the