User's manual MobileNavigator | 5
- 56 - Indicating a destination
Tap the Save button to save the selected place. You may
then at any time select this place from the F
Tap the Search nearby button to search for a point of
interest near the selected place.
This function is only available in "Extended mode".
Tap the Add button to add the selected place to your
itinerary. The selected point will be marked by a little flag. It
will also be added to the list of route points of the R
screen where it figures as destination point.
Using this function while you are already navigating causes an
immediate recalculation of your route.
This function is only available in "Extended mode".
Tap the Interim destination button to make the selected point
the next stage point of your itinerary. Your route will be
recalculated immediately.
5.3.5 Favourites
Survey All destinations you have saved by tapping the Save button are
listed on the F
AVOURITES screen. On this screen you may:
Ù select destinations for navigation purposes,
Ù rename destinations, and
Ù delete destinations from the list.