years, however, NMEA 2000 will become much more common. To help
you get the most out of this technology, your Lowrance unit is designed
to work with a NMEA 2000 network. You can install a network yourself
using LowranceNET components and devices.
Lowrance unit direct connection to NMEA 2000 buss.
Connecting to a NMEA 2000 Network
Your unit can be connected to a NMEA 2000 buss, receiving sensor infor-
mation from any Lowrance units attached to the buss. Contact LEI Extras
(look inside back cover for accessory ordering information) for a NMEA
2000 buss adapter cable if you would like to do this. You can connect the
unit directly to a network port. To do so, attach the adapter cable's manual
locking collar connector to the Network port on the back of the sonar unit
and attach the other end to an available port on the NMEA 2000 buss. As
soon as the unit is connected to the network, it will begin receiving
shared information. Please note the buss must be powered to operate.
(See instructions in this section on powering a NMEA 2000 buss.)
The data from your internal GPS receiver will not be trans-
mitted across the LowranceNET NMEA 2000 network. You
must have an LGC-2000 GPS antenna module in the network
for that to happen. Installation instructions for the LGC-
2000 and other electronic probe sensors, like the EP-10 Fuel
Flow and EP-15 Fluid Level sensor are available in the
document "Instructions for Using LowranceNET
2000 Devices with LMS-334, LMS-339 and GlobalMap
If the document is missing, contact customer service or down-
load it free at www.lowrance.com.
NMEA 0183 Wiring
(Data cable)
To exchange NMEA 0183 data, this unit has one NMEA 0183 version
2.0 communication port. Com port one (Com-1) can be used to receive
NMEA 0183 format GPS data. The com port can also transmit NMEA
0183 format GPS data to another device.
The four wires for the com port are combined with the Power Supply
cable and NMEA 2000 Power cable to form the power/data cable (shown
earlier). Com-1 uses the yellow wire to transmit, the orange wire to re-
ceive and the shield wire for signal ground. Your unit does not use the
blue wire.
To NMEA 2000
network port
To unit's