Navigating to Man Overboard: Man Overboard Activated message (left).
Navigation Page (center). Map Page (right). The victim is to the star-
board of the vessel. The GPS shows which direction to go for the rescue.
The man overboard position is also stored in the waypoint list for future
reference. It can be edited the same as any other waypoint. This pre-
vents the inadvertent loss of the current Man Overboard position.
To cancel navigation to MOB, press
|ENT|← to YES|ENT. The unit stops showing navigation information.
Navigate to Cursor Position on Map
The GO TO CURSOR command: navigates to the current cursor position on
the map. It's a quick and handy way to navigate to anything you can
see on the map display.
In this example, the cursor is centered on Oologah, Oklahoma.
1. Use the cursor with the zoom in and zoom out keys to find a location
you want to go to.
2. Center the cursor over the location to select it. See the example in
the following figure. Many map items such as waypoints, Points of In-
terest, towns, etc. can be selected, and appear highlighted with a pop-
up box.