3. Route the transducer cable alongside the trolling motor shaft. Use
plastic ties (not included) to attach the transducer cable to the troll-
ing motor shaft. Make sure there is enough slack in the cable for the
motor to turn freely. Route the cable to the sonar unit and the trans-
ducer is ready for use.
Transducer mounted on trolling motor, side view.
Transducer Orientation and Fish Arches
If you do not get good fish arches on your display, it could be because
the transducer is not parallel with the ground when the boat is at rest
in the water or at slow trolling speeds. If the arch slopes up – but not
back down – then the front of the transducer is too high and needs to be
lowered. If only the back half of the arch is printed, then the nose of the
transducer is angled too far down and needs to be raised.
Transducer angles and their effects on fish arches.
Transducer aimed
too far back
Transducer aimed
too far forward
Proper transducer angle
Partial fish arches
Full fish arch