To adjust the Grayline level,
press the MENU key, then
press the key next to the “So-
nar Controls” label. Now press
the key adjacent to the “More”
label until the “Grayline” menu
appears as shown at right.
Press the key next to the right
arrow in the Grayline menu to
increase it. Press the key adja-
cent to the left arrow in the
menu to decrease the Grayline
level. The box in the menu has a bar graph and percentage indicator, letting
you view the amount of Grayline in use. You can also see the change on
the chart. When you have it at the desired setting, press the CLR key to
erase the menus.
You can adjust the rate that echoes move across the screen. This is called
“chart speed” and normally is set to maximum. If you wish to slow this down,
first press the MENU key, then press the key next to the “Sonar Controls”
label. Now press the key adjacent to the “More” label until the “Chart
Speed” menu appears as shown above. Press the key next to the right
arrow in the chart speed menu to increase it. Press the key adjacent to the
left arrow in the menu to decrease the speed. The box in the menu has a
bar graph and percentage indicator, letting you view the speed level. You
can also see the change on the chart. When you have it at the desired
setting, press the CLR key to erase the menus.
The GlobalMap 2000 has three different types of sonar alarms: Fish, Zone,
and Depth. The fish alarm sounds a tone whenever the Fish I.D. feature
places a fish symbol on the display. The zone alarm trips when an echo
appears between the top and bottom of the zone alarm’s bar. The depth
alarm actually consists of two different alarms; a shallow alarm and a deep
alarm. These alarms are triggered only by the bottom signal.
To set or adjust a sonar alarm, first press the MENU key, then press the
key next to the “Sonar Controls” label. Now press the key adjacent to the
“More” label until the “Sonar Alarms” menu appears. Press the key next to
that menu. The screen at the top of the next page appears.