Proximity Waypoint List
The following options are available from the ‘Proximity’ submenu of the ‘Points’ tab:
• Delete Alarm— removes selected waypoint from proximity list.
• Delete All— removes all waypoints from proximity list.
To display the waypoint menu options:
1. Using the ARROW KEYPAD, highlight the ‘Proximity’ tab and press the MENU key.
To clear one or all proximity waypoint(s) from the list:
1. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the proximity waypoint to clear and then press the MENU
2. To clear a single alarm, highlight the ‘Delete Alarm’ option and press
3. To clear all proximity waypoints, select the ‘Delete All’ option and press
4. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the ‘OK’ prompt and press
ENTER/MARK to confirm.
Proximity Waypoint List
A dashed circle will
appear showing the alert
boundary for the
proximity waypoints.
Proximity Circle
Proximity Waypoint
Icon appears when
proximity alarms triggers.