Furuno FAR-28x7 Series Radar Detector User Manual

TTM - Tracked target message
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+---------------------------------------------------------- 1
1. Target number, 00 to 99
2. Target distance from own ship
3. Bearing from own ship, degrees, true/relative(T/R)
4. Target speed
5. Target course, degrees true/relative(T/R)
6. Distance of closet point of approach
7. Time to CPA, min., "-"increasing
8. Speed/distance units, K/N/S
9. User data(e.g. target name)
10. Target status(see note)
11. Reference target = R, null otherwise
12. Time of data(UTC)
13. Type of acquisition A=automatic, M=manual, R=reported
14. Checksum
NOTE - Target status:
L = lost, tracked target has been lost
Q = query, target in the process of acquisition
T = tracking