OIL CHANGE RESET — This option allows
you to reset the oil monitoring system to 100%
(or your Personalized Oil Reset Percentage) after
each oil change. The RESET control must be
pressed and held for 5 seconds while the
display counts down to trigger an oil change
reset. After a successful reset the Message
Center will display “OIL LIFE RESET TO
100%.” If you have established a Personalized
Oil Reset Percentage, the display will show that
percentage instead of 100%. To ensure accurate
oil life indicators, perform this reset procedure
only after an oil change. For more information
on Personalized Oil Reset Percentage see the
section below.
feature is enabled, the headlamps will
automatically switch on when the driver has the
windshield wipers in the intermittent, low or
high speed settings. This feature is toggled off
and on with the RESET control.
Personal Oil Life Percentage:
Your Personalized Oil Reset Percentage allows you
to establish a smaller oil change interval than the
manufacturer’s recommended interval. To establish
your Personalized Oil Reset Percentage perform the
following procedure:
1. Press and hold the reset control from the
RESET screen.
2. While holding the reset control as display
counts down the seconds to reset press the
VEHICLE SETTINGS control. The display will
change to “START OIL LIFE AT XXX%” where
XXX is the currently selected Personalized Oil
Reset Percentage. Release both controls.
3. Press the RESET control until the displayed
percentage is the Personalized Oil Reset
Percentage that you desire. Your choices are
100%, 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, 50%, 40% and
Update:Thu Jun 27 10:00:37 1996