Ford 1999 Taurus Automobile User Manual

Chec k th e safet ybel t system s periodicall yt o make
sur e tha t the ywor k properl yan d ar e no t damaged.
Al l safet ybel t assemblies , includin g retractors,
buckles , fron t sea t bel t buckl e suppor t assemblies
(slid e bar ) (i f equipped) , shoulde r bel t height
adjuster s (i f equipped) , chil d safet ysea t tether
bracke t assemblie s (i f equipped) , an d attaching
hardware , shoul d b e inspecte d afte r an ycollision.
For d recommend s tha t al l safet ybel t assemblies
use d i n vehicle s involve d i n a collisio n b e replaced.
However , i f th e collisio n was mino r an d a qualified
technicia n find s tha t th e belt s d o no t sho wdamage
an d continu e t o operat e properly , the yd o no t need
t o b e replaced . Safet ybel t assemblie s no t i n use
durin g a collisio n shoul d als o b e inspecte d and
replace d i f eithe r damag e o r imprope r operatio n is
You r vehicl e i s equippe d wit h a supplemental
restrain t syste mdesigne dt o wor k wit h th e safety
belt s t o hel p protec t you an d you r righ t fron t seat
passenge r i n th e even t o f a collision . Th e Ai r Bag
Supplementa l Restrain t Syste mi s primaril ydesigned
t o reduc e certai n uppe r bod yinjuries.
Update:Wed Jun 19 15:04:39 1996